These are the questions we answer during the Screen stage.
Answering them wil help us learn more about the Allotments consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.
What is the 'Allotments' consideration?
An allotment is a piece of ground that you pay rent for, usually a fairly small annual charge, in order to grow your own produce. - RHS
Is there legislation that defines 'Allotments'?
What is the legislation that defines 'Allotments'?
Allotments Act 1922, Section 3, Paragraph 7 - "In this section the expression “allotment” means any parcel of land, whether attached to a cottage or not, of not more than two acres in extent, held by a tenant under a landlord [otherwise than under a farm business tenancy (within the meaning of the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995)] and cultivated as a farm or a garden, or partly as a garden and partly as a farm."
What is the specific part of the legislation that describes how a 'Allotments' gets designated?
Not legislation, but found through "Allotment sites owned by local authorities can be designated as 'statutory' or 'temporary' where 'statutory' sites are subject to some protection under the Allotments Act 1925. 'Temporary' sites have no security beyond the usual planning system requirements. As a result of these differences, the designation of a site is important to local authorities and allotment holders alike."
What is the specific part of the legislation that requires the publication of 'Allotments'?
There is no specific legislation that requires the publication of allotment data.
Who, in law, is responsible for the planning consideration or makes decisions about 'Allotments'?
"An allotment authority is the district council, Outer London Borough, or where there is a parish council" -
Which organisations do we think should publish the data?
- Local authorities
Is the Allotments a trigger?
What needs to be done because Allotments has acted as the trigger?
Not necessarily a trigger, but it is generally understood that development on an alloment would require reprovision elsewhere to the same, or better quality and size
Is the Allotments something to consult during plan making?
Provide information about when Allotments is used during plan making
Yes, LPAs are required to ensure that there is sufficient provision of allotments to meet demand, particularly when planning for growth. There are widely used planning standards for allotments (e.g. hectares/1000 population)
Is there any Allotments data already available?
What Allotments data is currently available?
Item 1
- name
- OS Open Greenspace
- fields
- id;function;distinctiveName1;distinctiveName2;distinctiveName3;distinctiveName4;geometry
- licence
- OpenData - Open Government Licence
- coverage
- National
- publisher
- Ordnance Survey
- attribution
- n/a
Do we think the data should come from a single source?
Yes, most likely OS
Will a data standard be required?