These are the questions we answer during the Research stage.
Answering them wil help us learn more about the Authority monitoring reports (amrs) consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.
Do we understand the lifecycle of a Authority monitoring reports (amrs)?
Do we understand how the data is created/produced?
Where will or should the data be used?
The AMR will be used to understand the progress of the implementation of the Local Plan, or preparation of the Local Plan. It will also be used by the Planning Inspector during the examination of the Local Plan to determine whether the duty to cooperate has been satisfied.
What other planning considerations does it interact with?
The Local Plan / Development Plan - as it reports on the preparation or implementation of the Local Plan and it's policies.
Neighbourhood Plans - Local planning authorities can also use the Authority Monitoring Report to provide up-to-date information on the implementation of any neighbourhood plans that have been brought into force
Local Development Schemes - The AMR may draw on the Local Development Scheme, to identify the progress that has been made on the preparation of the Local Plan against the timetable set out within the Local Development Scheme.
Community Infrastructure Levy / Infrastructure Funding Statement - AMRs can report on Infrastructure Funding Statements to highlight the contributions made by development, including section 106 planning obligations, and Community Infrastructure Levy payments, and how these have been used.
Who are the statutory consultees for Authority monitoring reports (amrs)?
Other than the statutory consultees who are the primary users of Authority monitoring reports (amrs)? How do we expect them to use Authority monitoring reports (amrs)?
LPA planning officers, councillors, local stakeholders and communities, developers/landowners/site promotors.
What are the planning needs for this data?
The AMR is a useful tool for planners as it is published annually to report on the progress and implementation of the Local Plan, including how policies are being delivered.
Who are the types of users who might benefit from having access to Authority monitoring reports (amrs) data?
LPA planning officers, councillors, local stakeholders and communities, developers/landowners/site promotors.
What are some potential uses of Authority monitoring reports (amrs) data?
Comparing the information set out within the Local Development Scheme vs the Authority Monitoring Report to understand how well these align, and whether timetables are being met.
Understanding the progress of the preparation of the Local Plan.
Understanding the progress on implementing the policies set out within the Local Plan.
Understanding the level of engagement with neighbouring authorities through the reporting on the duty to cooperate.
Understanding the level of developer contributions collected, allocated, spent or unspend, and the mechanism which was used to collect these.
What's the value of adding Authority monitoring reports (amrs) data to the platform?
Authority monitoring reports are valuable as they report on a multitude of different planning indicators.
From what we have learnt so far are there any risks to making Authority monitoring reports (amrs) data available?