These are the questions we answer during the Screen stage.
Answering them wil help us learn more about the Areas of outstanding natural beauty consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.
What is the 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty' consideration?
Land protected by law to conserve and enhance its natural beauty.
Is there legislation that defines 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty'?
What is the legislation that defines 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty'?
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, section 82, subsection 1 -
“Where it appears to [Natural England] that an area which is in England but not in a National Park is of such outstanding natural beauty that it is desirable that the provisions of this Part relating to areas designated under this section should apply to it, [Natural England may], for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the area, by order designate the area for the purposes of this Part as an area of outstanding natural beauty.”
There is also guidance on meeting the natural beauty criterion.
What is the specific part of the legislation that describes how a 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty' gets designated?
There is no legislation covering how AONBs get designated.
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, section 83 - “Procedure for designation orders”
There is further guidance on the designation process.
What is the specific part of the legislation that requires the publication of 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty'?
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, section 83, subsection 9 -
“It is the duty of [Natural England] and the [NRBW] to secure that copies of any order under section 82 relating to England or, as the case may be, to Wales, are available for inspection by the public at all reasonable times— at the office of [Natural England] or, as the case may be, the [NRBW] at the offices of each local authority whose area includes any part of the area to which the order relates, and at such other place or places in or near that area as [Natural England] or, as the case may be, the [NRBW] may determine.”
Who, in law, is responsible for the planning consideration or makes decisions about 'Areas of outstanding natural beauty'?
Which organisations do we think should publish the data?
- Natural England
- Local authorities
Is the Areas of outstanding natural beauty a trigger?
What needs to be done because Areas of outstanding natural beauty has acted as the trigger?
Lighting assessment Nutrient neutrality assessment The NPPF (Chapter 15) also states that “great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty in National Parks, the Broads and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty which have the highest status of protection in relation to these issues.
Is the Areas of outstanding natural beauty something to consult during plan making?
Is there any Areas of outstanding natural beauty data already available?
What Areas of outstanding natural beauty data is currently available?
Item 1
- fields
- licence
- Use of this data is subject to the Open Government Licence
- coverage
- National
- publisher
- Natural England
- attribution
Item 2
- url
- fields
- licence
- coverage
- publisher
- attribution
Do we think the data should come from a single source?
No - this data exists nationally, provided by Natural England
Will a data standard be required?