Assets of community value


These are the questions we answer during the Screen stage.

Answering them wil help us learn more about the Assets of community value consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.

  • What is the 'Assets of community value' consideration?

    These provisions give communities a right to identify a building or other land that they believe to be of importance to their community’s social well-being. If the nominated asset meets the definition of an asset of community value, the local authority will list it. - Communities and Local Government PDF, Assets of Community Value - Policy Statement, 2011

  • Is there legislation that defines 'Assets of community value'?


    • What is the legislation that defines 'Assets of community value'?

      The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulation 2012, although there only appears to be contents on how this applies to listing land.

    • What is the specific part of the legislation that describes how a 'Assets of community value' gets designated?

      In the above legislation there is nothing about adding an asset of community to a list other than land, but this document, being a non-statutory advice note, covers to procedure when considering listing in section 6. This is not a fixed step-by-step process on how an asset of community value gets designated, but it covers key people who need notifying and a timeframe (8 weeks from receiving the nomination).

    • What is the specific part of the legislation that requires the publication of 'Assets of community value'?

      In Regulation 9 of The Assets of Community Value ( Regulations 2012, it states that:

      "A local authority which gives notice under section 91 of the Act must, in addition to the persons specified in that section, give it to—

      (a)where they are not the owner, the holder of the freehold estate in the land and the holder of any leasehold estate in the land, and

      (b)a parish council if any of the land is in the council’s area."

      The legislation does not go to the extent of specifying in what medium this should be done or held.

  • Who, in law, is responsible for the planning consideration or makes decisions about 'Assets of community value'?

    • The local authority
    • The owner has the right to challenge the 'listing'

  • Which organisations do we think should publish the data?

    • Local authorities

  • Is the Assets of community value a trigger?


  • Is the Assets of community value something to consult during plan making?


  • Is there any Assets of community value data already available?


  • Do we think the data should come from a single source?

    No - the data will come local authorities individually. The data found is also not geospatial unless otherwise stated, and is instead collated in a list (PDF or HTML).

  • Will a data standard be required?
