These are the questions we answer during the Research stage.
Answering them wil help us learn more about the Development plans and timetables consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.
Do we understand the lifecycle of a Development plans and timetables?
Do we understand how the data is created/produced?
Yes, prepared by LPAs on a regular basis (e.g. ~ every 5 years).
Where will or should the data be used?
Development plans and their associated timetables will be used when considering planning policy to make decisions, e.g. for planning applications. The timetable is a useful resource to demonstrate where LPAs are in the plan-making process.
What other planning considerations does it interact with?
development plan policies, site allocations, SHMAs, HDT
Who are the statutory consultees for Development plans and timetables?
statutory consultees listed in the local planning Regulations and including the regulatory agencies (the Environment Agency, English Heritage, Natural England) and neighbouring local authorities • physical infrastructure delivery agencies: highways authority, Highways Agency, utilities companies, Network Rail, public transport providers, airport and port operators, energy providers, telecommunications providers etc • social infrastructure delivery agencies, education, social services, health providers, the emergency services, charities and voluntary sector • major landowners – including the local authority itself and government departments and agencies • housebuilders and other developers • minerals and waste management industries.
Other than the statutory consultees who are the primary users of Development plans and timetables? How do we expect them to use Development plans and timetables?
public and private sector planners, local community, built environment specialists
What are the planning needs for this data?
Local Plans are required to be conformed with when making planning decisions, such as determining planning applications. They also provide a useful resource for built environment professionals, such as heritage and conservation officers, transport officers, health officers etc. to understand the vision for the area.
Who are the types of users who might benefit from having access to Development plans and timetables data?
Planners, built environment professionals, developers/site promoters/landowners
What are some potential uses of Development plans and timetables data?
Development plans and their associated timetables will be used when considering planning policy to make decisions, e.g. for planning applications. The timetable is a useful resource to demonstrate where LPAs are in the plan-making process.
What's the value of adding Development plans and timetables data to the platform?
Local Plans are required to be conformed with when making planning decisions, such as determining planning applications. They also provide a useful resource for built environment professionals, such as heritage and conservation officers, transport officers, health officers etc. to understand the vision for the area.
From what we have learnt so far are there any risks to making Development plans and timetables data available?