Infrastructure funding statements


These are the questions we answer during the Research stage.

Answering them wil help us learn more about the Infrastructure funding statements consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.

  • Do we understand the lifecycle of a Infrastructure funding statements?

  • Do we understand how the data is created/produced?

  • Where will or should the data be used?

    Having infrastructure funding statements on the platform will be useful to understand how much funding LPAs have collected from developer contributions, as well as how that funding has been allocated and spent. This ensures transparency between LPAs, developers and the communities they serve.

  • Local Planning Authorities, County Councils, Designated Neighbourhood Forums, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Developer Contributions, Local Plans

  • Who are the statutory consultees for Infrastructure funding statements?

  • Other than the statutory consultees who are the primary users of Infrastructure funding statements? How do we expect them to use Infrastructure funding statements?

    Planning officers, developers, local communities

  • What are the planning needs for this data?

    Local planning authorities must publish their Infrastructure Funding Statements annually, to demonstrate the amount of funding collected through developer contributions, as well as how that funding has been allocated and spent. This is useful, as it shows how development has been mitigated, through infrastructure schemes, affordable housing etc., to benefit the local community. It also contributes towards improving transparency between LPAs, developers and local communities. Furthermore, reporting on developer contributions ensures that LPAs are able to keep track of the contibutions they have received, to reduce the risk of contributions being left unspent.

  • Who are the types of users who might benefit from having access to Infrastructure funding statements data?

    LPA Planning officers (both DM and policy), developers, local communities

  • What are some potential uses of Infrastructure funding statements data?

    The publication of infrastructure funding statements as data may contribute towards building an understanding of local communities that development leads to investment into affordable housing and infrastructure. An infrastructure funding statement demonstrates this in a clear and transparent way.

    Furthermore, where clear and up-to-date guides to developer contributions aren't available, it can be useful to review an infrastructure funding statement to understand the likely costs associated with growth, and the funding allocated to support investment into infrastructure and affordable housing.

  • What's the value of adding Infrastructure funding statements data to the platform?

  • From what we have learnt so far are there any risks to making Infrastructure funding statements data available?