These are the questions we answer during the Screen stage.
Answering them wil help us learn more about the Tennis courts consideration, determine if a data standard is required and whether we know enough to move on to the next stage.
What is the 'Tennis courts' consideration?
A specially prepared area intended for playing tennis.
Is there legislation that defines 'Tennis courts'?
Who, in law, is responsible for the planning consideration or makes decisions about 'Tennis courts'?
There is no legislation outlining this, but we think the decision making responsibility lies with the LPA as they plan for growth, new provision, and development. Sport England also potentially help in making decisions when it comes to planning applications with impacts on tennis court areas.
Which organisations do we think should publish the data?
- Local authorities
- Sport England
Is the Tennis courts a trigger?
Is the Tennis courts something to consult during plan making?
Provide information about when Tennis courts is used during plan making
LPAs are likely to have identified the presence of all tennis courts present in the borough. The presence of these will likely be assessed through a sport facility/playing pitch strategy and/or an Infrastructure Delivery Plan, and when planning for growth, new provision will be modelled, and be expected to be delivered through development.
Is there any Tennis courts data already available?
What Tennis courts data is currently available?
Item 1
- name
- OS Open Greenspace
- fields
- id;function;distinctiveName1;distinctiveName2;distinctiveName3;distinctiveName4;geometry
- licence
- OpenData - Open Government Licence
- coverage
- National
- publisher
- Ordnance Survey
- attribution
- n/a
Do we think the data should come from a single source?
Yes, the data already exists nationally and openly. As per some research summarised in this blog, we will use the national data in the interim, but long term would like to collect this data from LPAs, but potentially include it as part of an 'Other outdoor sports' dataset of some sort.
Will a data standard be required?